The titans

You do not have to win the Chicago Golden Gloves to take away all of the important life lessons the experience brings. On Thursday, April 13, as part of the Chicago Golden Gloves centennial celebrations, we honored seven gentlemen who boxed in the Chicago Golden Gloves tournament as young men before going on to extraordinary success outside of the ring in business, law or the arts.
While all of them may not have won the Open division, they believe, and have stated publicly, that amateur boxing and competing in the Chicago Golden Gloves played a formative role in their lives, contributing to their success and ability to give back to the community.
Of the seven "Titans," three were honored posthumously.
The Tribune's Rick Kogan introduces you to the Titans, HERE.
The Titans' video presentation can be viewed HERE.
Michael Flatley- Revolutionary artist and global dance superstar who has twice KO'd cancer.
Joseph Sikora- His many acting credits include "Ozark" and "Power Book IV: Force."
Joe Birkett- Former DuPage County Prosecutor and current Illinois Appellate Court Justice. Watch his video testimonial HERE.
Jorge "George" Pacheco- Also a Mexican national champ, he employs nearly 400 people through his businesses Apache Service & Supply, APEX Drones & Blackdoor Pub. More on him HERE.
Posthumous Awards:
Jim Ryan- Illinois Attorney General
Jack Sandner- Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Chairman
Judge Abraham Lincoln Marovitz